• We are currently growing Lion’s Mane, Blue Oyster, and Italian Oyster. We plans to grow new types in the future. If you have a request for a certain type of mushroom, please contact us through our contact form or email and let us know.

  • Possibly. Please call us first to make sure we are here and have what you’re looking for. 505-670-1916

  • Yes!

  • Yes! We already provide several local restaurants with high-quality fresh mushrooms for both regular menu items and specials, and we’d be happy to hear from you too. We offer competitive wholesale prices and flexible delivery and payment options. Pease contact us and let us know what you are looking for.

  • We complete all mushroom growing processes here at our farm and do not outsource any phases. This ensures 100% local, small-batch, and quality-controlled mushrooms.

    Here’s our process in a nutshell.

    We pour and sterilize individual bags of rye. Simultaneously, we incubate premium living fungal culture in sterilized Petri dishes of agar agar, which over a period of days or weeks begin to grow fungal colonies called mycelium. We then add slices (using a sterilized exacto knife) of the mycelium into the rye, and over a few weeks, the mycelium proliferate throughout the grain bags in a darkened colonization room, thus creating grain spawn.

    Meanwhile, we mix and sterilize specialized filtered bags of hardwood oak and soy hulls to be used as substrate. We then carefully combine, using a custom-made vent fan and other sterile safety measures, the mycelium-colonized grain spawn with the nutritious substrate and allow for another weeks-long round of proliferation. Once the grain spawn abundantly populate the substrate bags, they are ready for the fruiting chamber.

    For another few days or weeks, the grain spawn feed voraciously on their rich substrate, which is dense with protein, fiber, and other macro- and micronutrients. Temperature, humidity, light, air exchange, and other factors are strictly controlled in the fruiting chamber.

    We harvest when the oyster mushrooms have grown into beautiful bouquets and the lion’s mane have grown into pretty pompoms.

    Sean and Ben are engineers with masters degrees, and they take special care to ensure that all phases of our growing process are meticulously safe and scientifically exact, which results in healthy decomposition and happy mushrooms. Lane is just a bit perfectionistic, which she’s working on not being… but she will be for your mushrooms.

  • We are not doctors or health professionals, and none of the following statements have been evaluated by the FDA.

    Oyster & lion's mane mushrooms are commonly believed to be beneficial for many things physical- and mental-health related. They are said to improve cardiometabolic health by regulating blood sugar and lowering blood pressure. As antioxidants, they are thought to fight inflammation. They potentially boost immune function and have interesting upcoming data suggesting cancer-fighting potential. They could help maintain or aid cognitive function by reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia. There is also exciting scientific research into mushrooms’ ability to help alleiviate and prevent depression. Much information is available from reputable online sources, including peer-reviewed studies, on the health benefits of mushrooms, and we invite you to look into it! They are extraordinary little guys.